Chief Executive Officer update - September 2024

Image: Terry Symonds Yooralla CEO



It’s been a big month in the disability sector, with the Government’s official response to the Disability Royal Commission being released, and the passing of the NDIS Amendments Bill through Parliament.  

These changes have understandably created uncertainty and distress within the disability community. The speed of developments towards the Bill passing have caused disability advocates and many others to express their concerns. While these are difficult and challenging times, it is good to see people with disability speaking up and allies expressing their support.   

NDIS has advised that changes will take place in the coming weeks, once laws take effect. Until then, nothing changes in people’s support plans and people can continue to spend based on what is in their plans. Government have also given their commitment to work with people with disability on delivering the changes.  

My own reflection is on how the changes to the NDIS can deliver on the original vision for the scheme. That vision was never for the NDIS to provide the only funded supports, but for the NDIS to work alongside other supports in the community and other sectors. The current reforms provide an opportunity for us to think about designing, and rebuilding, alternative supports in mainstream settings and in restoring supports outside of the NDIS. 

Foundational supports, proposed to be delivered in partnership between the Commonwealth Government and the States and Territories, is an example of this. It is a key recommendation from the NDIS Review. 

We’re really excited about rebuilding foundational supports, extending on a range of programs that Yooralla already provide, such as the work of our Kindergarten Inclusion Support Service and the Victorian Inclusion Agency. Both these services are funded outside of the NDIS, and support children with additional needs to be supported in mainstream settings. The programs have been experiencing unprecedented growth year on year and show how important this type of inclusion is.  

Our Allied Health therapists have already been supporting students with disability at select schools across the state and are keen to extend that support to students with funding outside of the NDIS. 

In their response to recommendations from the Disability Royal Commission, the Commonwealth Government acknowledged the importance of Supported Decision Making (SDM) for people with disability, but they have not made commitments on funding and resourcing.  

Despite this, we have been acting on this recommendation by building on our knowledge and ability to support our clients with SDM by running workshops in partnership with expert, Dr Michelle Browning. Workshop participants have included the Yooralla Board, Executive and senior leaders, as well as small groups of clients and their decision supporters. These workshops have been made possible through the generosity of Yooralla’s donors and the commitment of the Yooralla Foundation Committee and Board to allocate funds for this important program that helps build out the decision-making capacity of people with disability.  

It’s a period of a lot of changes in the NDIS and has been for a while. There are more changes to come, so we know that can be unsettling. Yooralla will keep our clients informed about developments on these reforms and will support them as best as we can to navigate these changes. We will also take every opportunity to represent the thoughts and needs of our community in any forums where we participate. 

You can keep up to date with the latest news on the reforms, on Yooralla’s website.  

Stay safe and well. 

Terry Symonds
Chief Executive officer

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