If your child receives ECIS funding, do you know what to do when the funding stops?
Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS) is Victorian Government funding for children with developmental delay or disability and their families, from birth up until they start school. Funding for Victorian ECIS has transitioned to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
How can my child access the NDIS when their ECIS funding stops?
If your child currently receives ECIS funding, there is a good chance they will meet NDIS requirements for eligibility. However, not all children who receive ECIS will transition to the NDIS automatically – a child could be deemed ineligible for a number of reasons.
If your child receives ECIS funding now, but lives in an area where the NDIS is not yet available, you can apply for the NDIS via an access request form.
If your child has received ECIS support in the past but no longer receives it, they may not automatically transition to the NDIS – they may not be known to the NDIS. In this case, we recommend that you contact the Early Childhood Partner in your area to discuss the best options to support your child.
How will this change affect my child’s supports?
Under ECIS, your child and family may receive support, resources and information to meet their individual needs in a range of settings. Your child may receive support from a range of therapists.
For children who transition to NDIS funding, all of these supports may be provided as part of their NDIS plan; if these supports are consistent with the child’s goals and needs.
How can Yooralla support my child?
Yooralla is a registered provider of early childhood support under ECIS and the NDIS. We recognise the importance of early intervention in building a child’s functional capacity. When your child gets their NDIS plan, Yooralla can support your child to meet their goals, whatever their age or needs, with our quality, evidence-based specialist children’s supports.
Yooralla can support your child and family with: