Introducing Eva Sifis - guest speaker at Yooralla’s AGM and Big Day Out

Eva, founder of By Accident, will present her personal story at Yooralla's 2019 Annual General Meeting and Big Day Out

Entrepreneur, artist, author and advocate Eva Sifis will be one of the guest speakers at Yooralla’s Annual General Meeting and Big Day Out on Monday 25 November 2019.

Eva, who acquired a brain injury (ABI), will present her personal story at the event and tell us how she founded her business By Accident.

Here’s how Eva describes her journey.

“Once upon a time I was a dancer working across Australia and performing cabaret shows in Japan. When I sustained a serious Acquired Brain Injury in 1999, due to being hit by a car, that life ended. After my coma, a new one began. I refer to this time as my second childhood. The second one lasted just as long! I had to learn everything over again – walking, talking, relating and, most importantly, dealing with a new me,” writes Eva.

Today Eva manages the scholarship and award programs at Arts Access Victoria. Her business, By Accident™ - provides training for people with Acquired Brain Injury and their carers. Eva is additionally employed in development, facilitation and social media at Voice at the Table, an organisation which facilitates Inclusive Meeting Practices training for government and community organisations. Voice at the Table also won the 2019 Victorian Disability Award in the Excellence in Creating Inclusive Communities category.

The event commences at 10am and is held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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