Paid writing opportunity for people with disability

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) are offering paid writing opportunities for people with disability and/or members of the Deaf community to contribute to their Our Voice blog.

Our Voice features stories on any of the issues raised by the Disability Royal Commission, or any topic that the Disability Royal Commission should be investigating.

The Disability Royal Commission investigates violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability – all kinds of disability, everywhere. At home, work or school, in jail or hospital, and anywhere else in our communities.

What are PWDA looking for?

Blogs can be written (500-700 words) or delivered in audio or video format (3-4 minutes).

If a blog is in audio format, it needs a transcript. If a blog has visual elements, it needs a written description. PWDA can work with you on to provide these.

Step one: Submitting your pitch

Your pitch should be 50-150 words long and should contain:

  • a bit about you
  • a summary of what you will say in your blog
  • how your blog will be presented (written, audio, video, images)
  • links to, or samples of, previous written or creative work

You can send your pitch to

For more information, visit:

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