Referrals open for paediatric physiotherapy in Melbourne’s North and West!
We know that children learn best in their everyday settings, such as home, childcare or kindergarten, doing everyday things and activities that they are interested in and enjoy.

Yooralla’s Physiotherapy team are now accepting new referrals for paediatric physiotherapy services in Melbourne’s North and West.
If you are seeking physiotherapy for your child aged 0-7 years of age, please get in touch with Yooralla Connect on or 03 9666 4500.
Supporting children to meet their goals
We know that children learn best in their everyday settings, such as home, childcare or kindergarten, doing everyday things and activities that they are interested in and enjoy.
Our therapists will work with you and your child to develop a support plan that will meet the individual needs of everyone. We will work with your child in the environment they are most comfortable to achieve their goals.
The Key Worker model
When you sign up to receive Yooralla’s Therapy services, your child will be assigned a Key Worker who provides support, resources and information to meet your family’s individual needs.
They are part of a larger team, of which they can draw on the skills and experience of when developing goals and strategies to support your child.
Our therapists
At Yooralla, our experienced therapists specialise in supporting people with disability of all ages and needs and have the skills to support those with complex needs.
We can provide comprehensive assessments and individual interventions to assist people to achieve their NDIS goals.
Learn more about our passionate team of Physiotherapists
Read more about Claire and Anne-Marie, two of Yooralla’s paediatric physiotherapists and the reasons they love their job (hint: huge kiddie smiles and tears of joy from the parents!)
Read more about Christina, a Yooralla customer who walked for the first time in 30 years with the support of a Yooralla Physiotherapist.
To find out more about how Yooralla’s therapy team can support you with independence and daily living, visit our website or contact us.