Self-managing your NDIS funding
If you are thinking about self-managing your NDIS plan, you need to understand your responsibilities as a self-manager.

During your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) planning meeting, you will be asked how you would like to manage your NDIS funds – this means how you want your service providers and supports to be paid.
There are four different ways to manage the funds in your NDIS plan. They are:
- Agency (NDIA) managed
- Plan managed
- Self-managed, and
- A combination of the above three options.
What does self-managing mean?
Self-managing your NDIS funding means you’ll manage your NDIS funds and pay for your supports yourself (this may be all of your supports, or perhaps only some).
If you self-manage your NDIS funding you will be able to:
- choose what supports you purchase, who delivers them and how they are delivered
- choose the provider that will best help you achieve the goals in your NDIS plan, whether they be registered or non-registered providers
- employ or contact staff directly, such as disability support workers, or have someone employ staff on your behalf
- choose service providers who are not registered by the NDIS. If you choose a service provider who is not NDIS registered, you should ensure you are satisfied that they can offer an appropriate level of quality and safeguards
- negotiate the costs of your supports so you get the best value-for-money
- have control of, and responsibility for your NDIS funding, to ensure you have enough funds for the duration of your NDIS plan.
Self-management comes with responsibilities
When it comes time for your next NDIS plan, the NDIS will want to hear about how the supports in your NDIS plan have helped you to achieve your goals.
You will need to keep invoices, receipts, payslips and bank statements for five years as evidence that you have responsibly managed your NDIS funding.
The NDIS may also ask you, at any time, to provide evidence your funds are being spent and managed properly.
Is self-management for me?
If you are thinking about self-managing your NDIS plan, you need to understand your responsibilities as a self-manager.
Responsibilities of self-managers include:
- purchasing supports that link to the goals in your NDIS plan
- making clear agreements with your providers about the supports you will receive including how they will be provided and paid for
- managing your funding so the costs of the support give you value-for-money, and can be met within your budget
- claiming and paying for supports by making payment requests via the MyPlace portal and paying for your supports on time
- keeping records of invoices and receipts to show that you have paid for your supports using your NDIS funding
- meeting your obligations as an employer if you choose to employ staff directly
- showing how you’ve used your self-managed funding towards reaching your goals at your plan review
- advising the NDIA of any significant changes in your circumstances that may result in you being unable to meet your responsibilities as a self-manager
- participating in any payment auditing where you will need to provide invoices, receipts or other evidence to show that you’ve spent your funding in-line with your NDIS plan.
You can still self-manage your funding even if you need some help to meet these responsibilities.
Get in touch with our Yooralla Connect team to book a free NDIS discussion, for any support during your NDIS journey. Contact us today!