Yooralla customers surprise their mums with a special Mother’s Day gift
A group of Yooralla customers made a short film about their life adventures as a gift to their mums for Mother’s Day, with the support of Yooralla staff.
Jasmin Ong, the Service Manager of the residential accommodation where the customers live, said they all lead very full and active lives, and the film was a way of sharing all of their experiences with their mums.
“The video was broken down to episodes, with each episode being a different adventure they’ve had over the past 12 months,” she said.
The film features the group doing dozens of activities from going on berry picking and finishing trips to surfing, go karting and playing mini golf.
Jasmin said her team puts a lot of thought into planning experiences that enrich and expand each customer’s life.
“Our main goal is for them to maximise their full potential. We want to support their confidence and independence, so we try to encourage them to take up new challenges and do new things that may potentially be outside of their comfort zone,” she said.
The customers regularly go to footy games and various festivals, shows, museums and exhibitions.
Jasmin said the team also supports each customer with their personal interests and aspirations.
“For example, at the moment, we support one customer with sewing and another one with writing and we adapt as their interests change so they can reach their full potential,” she said.
Yooralla has more than 60 houses across Victoria (metro and regional), designed specifically to suit the needs of people with disability who need accommodation.