Yooralla working with Metro Trains to keep focus on accessibility
Yooralla is working with Metro Trains (MT) to ensure the voices of people with disability are heard in the implementation of MT’s Accessibility Action Plan 2019 - 2021.
Rebecca Feldman, Yooralla’s Customer Relations and Empowerment (CRE) Officer, has joined MT’s Accessibility Reference Group (ARG) which aims to help identify and respond to the access and inclusion needs of the community.
While much progress has been made in recent years since the introduction of Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport in 2002, almost a third of Australians with disability still have difficulty using public transport, with 37,000 never leaving home due to accessibility issues, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Rebecca said as part of MT’s Accessibility Reference Group, she will:
- help identify current, emerging or potential accessibility issues
- provide advice on possible solutions and interventions to accessibility barriers, and
- give guidance on projects with accessibility impacts.
The group also aims to consult broadly with people with disability.
As part of her role in the CRE team, Rebecca supports people with disability to speak up, feel more empowered, resolve problems and explore new opportunities.
“I would love to take the opportunity to let people we support know about this and encourage people to be in touch with me if they would like to highlight any issues with the trains,” she said.
The Accessibility Action Plan was developed to communicate a program of priorities, which aims to improve access for people with accessibility needs, as well as support the objectives of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
If you have any feedback on MT and accessibility, contact Rebecca from Yooralla’s Customer Relations and Empowerment team on 03 9633 6915 or yooralla@yooralla.com.au