6 elements of ‘reasonable and necessary’
The NDIS applies the ‘reasonable and necessary’ criteria to determine what supports will be funded in a person’s NDIS plan.

The NDIS applies the ‘reasonable and necessary’ criteria to determine what supports will be funded in a person’s NDIS plan.
‘Reasonable’ is something that is fair.
‘Necessary’ is something a person needs because of their disability.
There are six elements of reasonable and necessary that the NDIS will consider when deciding what supports to fund for a person with disability.
When considering what is reasonable and necessary, the NDIS takes into account informal supports, such as support provided by family members as well as other formal (mainstream) supports, such as those provided by the health and education systems.
Reasonable and necessary supports must:
- Be identified in your NDIS plan as helping you to achieve your goals and take part in the community
If your NDIS goal is to make new friends, the funding you receive in your NDIS plan will support you to achieve that goal. This might mean funding to support you to attend Community Hubs or various recreational activities where you can meet new people.
- Be related to your disability
For example, the NDIS may not cover the cost to purchase an iPad, as it is not directly related to the disability, however you may receive funding for the purchase cost of communication and assistive technology applications for that iPad.
- Not include day-to-day living costs not related to your disability
The NDIS may not fund a myki card to pay for your public transport journeys, as this is an everyday living expense for some, however it may fund travel training to build capacity to travel.
- Represent value for money
It is more cost-effective for the NDIS to fund hydrotherapy services at an establishment, rather than building a swimming pool at the participant’s home.
- Be beneficial to you and be proven to work (tried and tested)
Funded supports in a NDIS plan need to be evidence-based, such as speech therapy or occupational therapy. Alternative therapies such as hypnotherapy may not be funded.
- Take into account informal family, carer and community support that is available to you.
The NDIS will consider other unpaid supports you may receive, such as support from family or friends and other community groups.
Find out more about what the NDIS will and won’t fund.
Need more advice or help?
Download our free NDIS guides: To make the most of the NDIS, you can download Yooralla’s free NDIS guides for adults or careers with disability or parents of children with disability to help prepare for the NDIS.
Book a free NDIS consultation: To discuss your individual circumstances and better understand the NDIS, book in for a free NDIS consultation with Yooralla Connect.
Contact us today: For more information or support email yoorallaconnect@yooralla.com.au or contact us today.