Five facts about Support Coordination
Have you heard about, or been funded for, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Support Coordination, but you’re not exactly sure what it involves? Read on to find out more!
What is Support Coordination?
Support Coordination is an NDIS support that strengthens your ability to coordinate and implement your NDIS supports. It aims to build your capacity so you can reduce your reliance on funded supports.
Support Coordination may be funded under the ‘Capacity Building’ budget in a person’s NDIS plan.
1. Support Coordination can help you implement your NDIS plan
If you have Support Coordination funded in your NDIS plan, a Support Coordinator can help you, and your support network to:
- understand your NDIS plan
- implement your NDIS plan
- connect with the best service providers for you
- enter into Service Agreements with service providers
- monitor your NDIS plan outcomes and expenditure, and report back to the NDIA, and
- support you to prepare for your next NDIS plan.
2. Support Coordinators are independent can help you choose the best service providers for you
Support Coordinators may work for specific disability services providers, but they should remain independent.Their job is to find the best NDIS service providers to meet your needs, goals and wants, so they will look at all of the options available.
This could be the provider you currently use, but it might not be! You have choice and control over who delivers your NDIS supports.
3. Not everyone gets funded for Support Coordination in their NDIS plan
Not everyone needs Support Coordination to implement their NDIS plan! Some people may receive Support Coordination funding because they:
- have high and complex needs
- need new accommodation arrangements
- are going through a big life change, such as transitioning from secondary school to work or other education, or
- have limited informal supports (such as a family member) who can help them to implement their NDIS plan.
If you think you need Support Coordination funding in your NDIS plan, you should tell your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator at your NDIS planning meeting:
- that you need Support Coordination, and
- why you need it.
If the NDIA agrees that you need Support Coordination and that it’s 'reasonable and necessary' for you, you will receive funding for it in your NDIS plan.
4. Specialist Support Coordination is a higher level of support
Specialist Support Coordination is an NDIS support for people who require a higher level of support. The focus is on reducing complexity in your support environment and helping you overcome barriers in NDIS plan implementation.
Our team of Specialist Support Coordinators are highly qualified and can work closely with you, and your support network, to:
- support you to build capacity and resilience
- develop an outcome-focused complex support plan tailored to your needs
- connect you with a strong support team and specialist services - both NDIS funded and mainstream services
- help you resolve, or prepare for, potential crisis situations
- work with your support team and seek specialist advice to manage any risks in your situation
- help you explore advocacy services if this is something you require, and
- monitor your progress towards your NDIS goals and the performance of the support services you use.
5. Support Coordination aims to build your capacity and independence
Support Coordination is about building your capacity, so it usually won’t be funded longer-term. Support Coordination aims to build your capacity (and/or that of your support person) by giving you the confidence, knowledge and skills you need to manage your NDIS supports independently in the future.
Can Yooralla help me with Support Coordination?
Yes! We provide both Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination to help people with disability, and their family or support network, to navigate through the different stages of their NDIS journey and achieve their NDIS goals
Our qualified, experienced Support Coordination team can support you to understand and implement your NDIS plan and aims to build your capacity to undertake tasks associated with the management of your own supports.

Support Coordination services at Yooralla
Learn more about our Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination services.