Linda Watson wins Yooralla’s Excellence Award 2021
2021 Excellence Awards Highlights
Linda Watson, Disability Support Worker has won Yooralla’s 2021 Award for Customer Human Rights and Outcomes.
With customer and community safety at the forefront of Linda’s work, she is recognised for supporting a customer who is on a Supervised Treatment Order to attend VCAT hearings and appointments with their psychologist and psychiatrist.
Linda was delighted to receive the award.
“The day I found out, I couldn’t breathe with surprise as there are so many in our team and Yooralla itself that deserve it more than me. I have worked at Ross for over 20 years and just do my job no frills,” said Linda.
The Customer Human Rights and Outcomes Award is for employees who demonstrate high quality customer service delivery over a sustained period, with significant positive customer outcomes.
Focusing on customer strengths
Linda was nominated by Group Manager, Mardi Obucina and Service Manager, Hilma Gould.
“Thank you, Linda for your consistent person-centred approach and enabling the client to understand their rights and maintaining this quality of support for many years,” said Mardi.
Linda focuses on the customer’s strengths and has supported them to reconnect with their family. She continually highlights the customer’s positive achievements and provides them with strategies to increase their independence, confidence and decision making. Linda has empowered the customer to understand their treatment order and supports the customer to continue their activities in the community which has reduced their anxiety and frustration.
“Linda is an inspiration to have on the staff team,” said Hilma.
The forensic psychologist noted Linda’s respectful approach and the APO has had many comments about the quality of the person-centred treatment plan.
Dignity and respect
Over the ten-year period that Linda has supported the customer, she has worked to reassure the customer to believe in themselves and to feel safe at home and with their supports.
“Linda has shown a consistent commitment over this time to make sure the client is treated with the dignity and respect he deserves,” said Mardi.
Linda also embraces support and advice, always striving to improve practice.
“The thought of the respect my fellow workers and managers have for me and my achievements with this customer means so much as our mutual client has moved mountains with our combined continued support,” said Linda.
Building trust
The strength of the relationship between support worker and customer is most effective when there is an opportunity for trust to develop. She has demonstrated best practice, ensuring the customer feels heard and respected, while working through the customer’s ability to manage behaviours in the community. Linda’s steadfast belief in the customer’s right to develop social relationships and be part of the community has provided the customer with the best chance of maintaining positive behaviours.
“My main goal within Yooralla is to make a difference each day and I will continue to do so and this little difference gets to be a huge difference with our continued support. I thank my manager Hilma and our team at Ross Ave and Mardi for her continued support for our customers,” said Linda.
Congratulations to Linda on winning the award. You have enabled a customer to feel supported and empowered them to understand their rights and responsibilities so they can achieve their goals.