The important role carers play in a person’s NDIS journey

As a carer of a person with disability, you will most likely play an important role in supporting the person you care for to access, prepare for and implement their NDIS plan. Ways you might support the person you care for in their NDIS journey might include:
- helping them through the NDIS eligibility and access process
- attending their planning meeting with them as their support person; to support them when they tell the planner what they get now, what they need and what their goals are (this is an important thing to get right – Yooralla can help with this!)
- supporting them to prepare documents to take to their planning meeting, about what supports they have now and what they need, before their planning meeting
- taking them to attend a Yooralla pre-planning discussion, or taking them through Yooralla’s guide to prepare for the NDIS
- helping them understand Service Agreements, including the obligations of both parties, and what to look for in a service provider
- helping them through the review process, if they’re not happy with their NDIS plan.
What if the person I care for can’t make decisions themselves?
If the person you care for has limited, or no, capacity to make decisions or arrangements for the NDIS themselves, as their carer, you may need to speak and act on behalf of them. This could include:
- managing the eligibility process for them to access the NDIS
- attending, and speaking on their behalf at, their NDIS planning meeting
- taking the steps needed to implement their NDIS plan on their behalf – including managing all funds, supports and payments for the person, or signing Service Agreements.
What support can I get as a carer?
The NDIS indirectly supports carers, even though it only funds supports for the individual with disability. You may also find you need support with navigating the NDIS, if it’s new to you.
Yooralla can support you, to support the person you care for, to make the most of the NDIS. Contact Yooralla Connect – it’s their job to support people through their NDIS journey.
Yooralla’s free guides can also help you to make sense of the NDIS for the person you care for.