Yooralla’s new Northern Learning Hub encourages a love of learning

The former Yooralla Broadmeadows Community Hub has recently been reimagined into the new Northern Learning Hub, a place (well actually multiple places!) focused on learning and development for adults with disability.
The weekly Hub program includes two days based out of Yooralla’s Fawkner Community Hub digital learning space, two days a week at Hume Council’s Broadmeadows Community Hub and a full day of community access at various locations in Melbourne.
Tara, one of the Northern Learning Hub’s first clients, said she is never bored at the Hub, and it helps her to stay focused.
“I like coming here and I like talking to my friends. I’m more focused here. I [sometimes] get bored, but when I’m here I’m all happy and excited to do the work. It’s very fun for me in the Hub,” Tara said.
Tara said she’s learned a lot and has had the chance to further develop her life skills, including her money skills at the Learning Hub. “I’m pretty good with money but I still need to practice more with the money, budgeting etc.,” she said.
Tara is looking forward to one day getting a job. “Working at a market handing change to people, that’s what I want to do, or something like that down the track. I still need to learn more [money skills] because there’s a lot more to learn about it,” she said.
Tara says Yooralla supports her with the skills she will need to get a job. “Yes, they [Learning Hub instructors] help me, they’re pretty good, but I [also] do it myself, I’m independent!”
As well as learning about money, Tara also loves words. She recently went to the Fawkner library with her friends at the Hub to sign up for a new library card. Tara likes art books and loves the literacy classes at the Northern Learning Hub. “Literacy is one of my favourite things to do because I’m learning new words and putting them into sentences,” Tara said.
What is the best thing Tara has learned at the Learning Hub?
“Learning how to do my drawing more. Because I wasn’t that good at drawing. But now that I’m doing it, I’m actually getting a little better at it,” she said.
One key attraction of attending the Learning Hub for Tara is the friendships she makes and the opportunities she has for social interaction.
“I am very friendly with the people here, especially with my friends that are here. I always talk to them every time that I’m here. I love it because I get to meet more people, especially new people that come here.”
What would Tara say to other people thinking about joining Yooralla’s Northern Learning Hub?
“Yes I recommend it, it’s good for everyone. Because it’s fun, you get to learn different stuff – new stuff – like all different [things] you want to learn about, like I do. Come and join us at the Northern Learning Hub!”
The Northern Learning Hub is the perfect place for young school leavers with disability who are considering their options for education or work after they finish secondary school. However, we also welcome adults of all ages at our Community Hubs.
Susan, one of our older Northern Learning Hub participants says, “I love talking to the young students. They’re funny!”
Susan also loves to go into the community and going on the train to the city and to mini golf. “I just love it. Come on [and join us at the Hub],” Susan said.
The Northern Learning Hub offers several non-accredited training programs designed to build confidence in a learning environment. Programs are matched to individual goals, needs, interests and strengths, and can be a stepping stone leading to TAFE courses, volunteering and open employment. One of the best parts of the Learning Hub for some of our clients are the friendships and social networks they form, and the enjoyable recreational and learning activities they get to be involved in in their community (both around Northern Melbourne and further afield.)
We offer ‘Come and Try’ sessions at our Community Hubs
Come and meet staff and clients and take part in a free activity! Fill in our online form or contact Yooralla Connect.