Assistance with Daily Life NDIS
What are Core Supports, and what is Assistance with Daily Life?
This week, we’re explaining assistance with daily living from the ‘Core’ support category that you might find in your NDIS plan.
What are Core Supports, and what is Assistance with Daily Life?
1. The Core support budget covers support for people with disability to complete daily living activities (in the home or the community) and work towards their goals.
2. Assistance with Daily Life is a support category under the Core support budget.
3. Support types you may find under the Assistance with Daily Life support category in your NDIS plan are:
- Assistance with daily personal activities
- Assistance with household tasks
- Assistance in Shared Living Arrangements, and
- Supported Independent Living (SIL), Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (or respite).
What does ‘Assistance with Daily Personal Activities’ funding cover?
Assistance with Daily Living (Support Category 1.01 in a NDIS plan) covers Assistance with daily personal activities such as personal hygiene activities, or supervision of personal daily tasks; which support a participant to live as independently as possible at home, and in the community.
Assistance with daily personal activities in a NDIS plan - an example
Support Area: | Core supports | This shows the support budget type. |
Budget: | $13,066.20 | This is the amount of money funded for the Core budget type. This amount is based on the estimated number of hours you need and the cost per hour of the supports in the NDIS price guide over the life of the plan. |
Details: | Daily Activities: supports to enable maximum independence in personal activities of daily living. These supports can be provided in a range of environments, including but not limited to, the participant’s own home. | Depending on a person’s goals and needs, this part of the NDIS plan may cover assistance with or supervision of daily living activities such as:
How the supports will be paid: | The NDIS will pay my support provider directly for the supports. | This will show how your NDIS funds are managed – this one is Agency (or NDIA) managed. This is when the NDIA will directly pay your support providers for you. |
Why are Assistance with Daily Life supports different in each NDIS plan?
The level (and cost) of support funded for Assistance With Daily Life will depend on a participant’s support needs. For example, complex needs generally require additional support. The days and times a person needs support will impact the level and cost of support, i.e. weekend support is more expensive under the NDIS price guide.
Why are Daily living supports listed under Core and also Capacity Building in a NDIS plan?
There is also a support category relating to daily activity that comes under the Capacity Building budget type (Improved Daily Living Skills – Support Category 3.15). This type of funding relates more to building a person’s skillset with independent living skills and reducing the level of support required – or building a person’s capacity. These supports cover assessment, training or therapy.
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