Preparation for work

What we provide

Supporting people with disability to build job skills in preparation for work

Employability: Preparation for Work focuses on both job skills education and practical training. In the first year, you will learn job skills in an education-based environment, and towards the end of the year you will transition into hands-on work experience. In the second year, we will support your continued development in a workplace, where you will be paid a training wage.

Employability: Preparation for Work is specially designed for school leavers (people who have completed school). However, it can also be tailored for other people with disability.

Wherever you choose to start and finish your pathway to employment, Yooralla can support you to transition into the job that is right for you.

What skills will you learn?

Employability: Preparation for Work is designed to help you learn job skills to transition into employment. You can learn skills in areas you are interested in, or in areas you feel you would be good at. You will experience a hands-on learning environment in a community-based, real-life work setting and you will be with people of a similar age, with similar interests.

Employability: Preparation for Work focuses on developing your skills, including:

  • life and employment goal setting
  • literacy and numeracy
  • job matching and selection
  • domestic activities and independent living
  • budgeting and money management
  • physical health and wellbeing
  • travel training
  • communication
  • working unsupervised, and
  • team work.

Your progress will be monitored throughout the program, to ensure you are reaching your milestones

Hands-on job training

In the second year of Preparation for Work, you will get hands-on work experience in a real-life working environment, and you will be paid a training wage for the work you do. The work might be in areas such as:

  • catering
  • manufacturing
  • gardening
  • warehousing
  • maintenance, and
  • cleaning.

What’s after Employability: Preparation for Work?

After completing the Employability: Preparation for Work stream, you may choose to move into the Employability: Job Ready stream. Employability: Job Ready is the next step up, for participants who have completed the Employability: Preparation for Work stream or people who are at the supported employment level already. Employability: Job Ready consists of an additional year of paid, on-the-job training based in a Yooralla Business Enterprise or in the community. 

Learn more about Employability: Job Ready.

After completing the Employability Program, you may want support to move into ‘open employment’—that is, a job in the community, where you no longer need support to do your job.

Learn more about open employment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What experience do I need to enter the program?


What funding do you need to participate?


Am I eligible?


Where can I go to access the program?


Will work impact my disability support pension?


What support does Yooralla ptovide?


When can I attend the program?


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