Chief Executive Officer Update - March
Hi there,
Welcome to this month’s edition of News@Yooralla.
Our Hospital to Home program is continuing to go from strength-to-strength in 2023, as we welcome more clients who have been in hospital for long-term periods into our supported accommodation services.
It’s been great to see the increase in the capacity of the clients after they transition into our accommodation services.
A key factor in regaining independence is allowing the person with disability the time to complete tasks such as showering, personal care, preparing of meals and more, for themselves.
At our supported accommodation, there is more time for staff to support clients in a quiet, calm and homely environment, which enables them to take the time to increase their independence.
This was certainly the case for Jake**, who moved into a Yooralla supported accommodation service under the Hospital to Home program while awaiting a permanent supports plan. You can read more about Jake’s story online.
I also want to share with you the opportunity to join ‘Belong’, a free network led by and for people with disability in Victoria. Feeling connected to a community of people that share your experiences can be really powerful, with the group aiming to bring together the disability community to build connections, share experiences and support one another through all our ups and downs. Members meet online in groups and one-to-one to build connections and share experiences.
Find out more and sign up online.
Please enjoy this edition and stay safe and well.
Stay safe and well.

Terry Symonds
Chief Executive Officer