Evidence-based therapy explained
‘Evidence-based’ refers to delivery of therapy, or other practices, that has reliable, scientifically-proven and predictable outcomes. In other words ‘tried and tested’.

Have you been advised to only use evidence-based therapy with your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding, and you’re not sure what it means?
Here’s a short summary to help you source the right supports that will be funded in your NDIS plan.
What is evidence-based therapy?
‘Evidence-based’ refers to delivery of therapy, or other practices, that has reliable, scientifically-proven and predictable outcomes. In other words ‘tried and tested’.
Evidence-based practice continually looks at new research and studies, re-evaluating practice based on these findings.
Typical examples of evidence-based therapies include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and psychology, or other therapies that have been tested and proven to deliver measureable outcomes.
Why is 'evidence-based’ important under the NDIS?
NDIS funding is linked specifically to goals, but supports such as therapy also need to be evidence-based to receive funding.
For instance, physiotherapy or speech pathology is likely to be funded if it will help a person achieve their NDIS goals, whereas hypnotherapy, which has not been medically tried and tested, is unlikely to be funded by the NDIS.
When you are selecting a service provider to provide therapy services, it is important to ensure that they offer evidence-based, best practice services.
What if you would like to use alternative therapies?
If you wish to use alternative therapies, such as hypnotherapy or naturopathy, you will need to pay for these supports out of your own pocket, the NDIS is unlikely to fund this.
What evidence-based therapy does Yooralla offer?
Yooralla’s offers Therapy services that support adults and children with disability at all ages and life stages.
Our flexible and qualified team of experienced therapists can provide you with support across physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and psychology.
Find out more about Yooralla’s supports
If you would like to talk with Yooralla about therapy services, or any other one of our wide range of services, please get in touch.