Love is in the air this Valentines Day!

Fran and Stephen

Love certainly is in the air this Valentines Day for Fran and Stephen!

Fran and Stephen, who both attend Yooralla’s Community Hub in Drouin, met at their previous day service almost two decades ago.

Since then, their love has grown and developed into a wonderful partnership. They love to spend time together doing different things.

“I enjoy going to the movies or out to dinner with Stephen,” said Fran, “but any time together is a nice time together” – a sentiment that Stephen also shares.

This Valentines, we asked the couple what they like most about each other.

Fran believes Stephen is “sweet, caring, and protective”, which she just loves about him.

Stephen thinks Fran has a “great sense of humour and is very intelligent!” and “feels lucky to have Fran as his partner,” Stephen said.

We hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day!

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