Participating in our democracy
Dr Jane Tracy, Yooralla Board Member, and parent of a client using Yooralla’s services, recently talked about her experience of Yooralla and how she supported her son to vote in a new video.
Dr Tracy’s son has been with Yooralla for 14 years.
“He’s made friends, he’s had lots of experiences that he wouldn’t have had without Yooralla there,” she said.
When reflecting on how Yooralla supported her son, Dr Tracy said that Yooralla’s focus on health and well-being, and on social support was really helpful.
Dr Tracy supported her son during the last election by taking him to the pre-polling station, collecting the how to vote cards and discussing the policies that would be meaningful to him.
“On the day of the election, we went together to the polling station with everybody else from our area. I found it very moving to support him to exercise his right as a citizen to choose the next government,” she said.
For more resources to support people with disability about the Victorian election go to www.icanvote.org.au.