We launched our new Digital Learning Hub!
On Wednesday 8 June, we had a morning tea, inviting people with disability, carers and support coordinators to meet current clients and staff, learn more about our programs and try the new Assistive Technology.

If you’re a Fawkner local, you may have heard about our new inclusive Digital Learning Hub for people with disability.
On Wednesday 8 June, we had a morning tea, inviting people with disability, carers and support coordinators to meet current clients and staff, learn more about our programs and try the new Assistive Technology.
Yooralla client, Clarke was our guest speaker at the launch event and enjoyed presenting to the group, reflecting on the positive impact of the programs.
“The good thing about yesterday was showing people what we can do with the new program and the achievement we are going to have from that in the future,” said Clarke.
A group of twelve people joined the event and tried out the new equipment. Fawkner Learning Hub Manager, Puneet Gulati has been working with the Hubs team to prepare the new programs. Puneet described the highlight of the event as being able to introduce clients to new technology and observe them enjoy learning.
“One of our clients, Mark who has only started accessing the space as of last week came in to demonstrate how he can now play games and draw on the computer using the Assistive Technology which was amazing,” said Puneet.
“The look on Mark’s face now that he can draw and ask for the drawing to be printed to show his family reflected a sense of accomplishment. It’s proof of how this space empowers our clients to achieve new things.”
Assistant Service Leader, Antoinette found the event to be a great opportunity to speak with clients and carers and hear direct feedback about what they hope from the new space.
“Participants want to access the learning hub and are really excited about the programs. One client’s family is really keen to explore how they could access this space,” said Antoinette.
Yooralla’s Philanthropy team have built strong relationships with funders to make this project a reality. We are grateful for the support of our funders who have enabled us to purchase new digital equipment and Assistive Technology and for us to design and implement new programs. The Fawkner Learning Hub is proudly supported by Moreland City Council, Danks Trust, The David Taylor Galt Charitable Trust managed by Equity Trustees, The Disability Donations Trust and Tobin Brothers Foundation.
The space is designed for new and existing clients to build new skills and confidence as they engage with the digital technology and programs.
For more information, please visit our website or contact Yooralla Connect yooralla.connect@yooralla.com or 1800 966 725.