Getting out and about with your NDIS plan – Assistance with Social and Community Participation explained

Assistance with Social and Community Participation (Support Category 1.04) is a funded support category that you may find in your NDIS plan, under Core Supports.

This funding covers the support NDIS participants need to meet goals relating to participating in community, social or recreational activities. One example is funding for a Disability Support Worker to support you to travel to and attend a music concert. This funding also covers support for activities that are either centre-based (e.g. to attend a Yooralla Community Hub) or out in the community (e.g. to attend a book group).

Under Assistance with Social and Community Participation, the NDIS may fund a support worker to support you to:

  • attend personal development courses
  • join a social group
  • take an outing or a holiday
  • go on a holiday camp
  • visit your local library
  • see a movie or a concert
  • go to community events, and/or
  • join a sporting club.

How Yooralla can support you to access to the community and social activities

Yooralla can support you under this NDIS category with our quality services including:

  • Assistance with Daily Living – flexible disability supports customised to your own needs and goals. This might be support at home (e.g. support showering), in the community (e.g. support to go to an appointment), at school or work, for health or leisure.
  • Recreation – adventure, arts, culture, fitness, events, holidays, relaxation, camps.
  • Community Hubs and Supports – centre-based supports where participants learn new skills, make new friends and get out in your local community.

Assistance with Social and Community Participation in a NDIS plan - an example

Support Area:Core supportsThis shows the support budget type.
This is the amount of money funded for the Core budget type. This amount is based on the estimated number of hours you need and the cost per hour of the supports in the NDIS price guide over the life of the plan.

Funding for you to participate in community, social and recreational activities of your choice at the standard level. Core supports are used to assist with daily activities and community participation.

Depending on a person’s goals and needs, this part of the NDIS plan may cover support people need to take part in community, social or recreational activities such as:

  • join a social group
  • take an outing or a holiday
  • join a sporting club
  • go on a camp, or
  • see a movie or a concert
How the supports will be paid:
NDIS will pay my plan management agency directly for these supports.
This will show how your NDIS funds are managed – this one is plan managed. This is when the NDIA pays your plan manager who then pays your support providers for you.

Book a free one-one-one meeting with Yooralla Connect to find out more, or get Yooralla’s free guide to implementing your NDIS plan.

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Meet with us

Our team at Yooralla Connect help you in person or over the phone to:

  • prepare for your NDIS planning meeting,
  • understand your NDIS plan and how you can implement it, or
  • prepare for your next NDIS plan.
  • achieve your goals with Yooralla supports

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